Why Israel Will Survive a Nuclear Holocaust
Why Israel Will Survive a Nuclear Holocaust
The Lost Ten Tribes are no longer lost to those who embrace the revelation of our Hebrew roots, who celebrate the restoration, biblical identification and understanding of the Israelite origins of the West, just as the Prophets foretold! All Jews are Israelites but all Israelites are not Jews.
We are the ethnic Elect, beloved for the fathers' Abraham, Isaac and Jacob's sakes, for whom the King of the Jews, the King of Israel, will specifically return to save and preserve from extinction! The GOOD NEWS is sent primarily to the Twelve Tribes of Israel and assures us of our NATIONAL DELIVERANCE, not just spiritual salvation. The Two Witnesses will testify to this truth before our captive audience. - "We're in the Times of the Gentiles!"
As honestly reported in The Jerusalem Post article he referred to [Edward Abington, Jr.'s State Department letter], I wasn't interrogated...by 6 different SECRET SERVICEMEN about the TEMPLE MOUNT because of an "expired visa!" I charged Ms. Leech (his assistant) with complicity in their unjust actions against me for going along with their lie that my visa was expired and for turning a blind eye to their undemocratic ways. I'd given her a letter for Mr. Abington, Jr. to PROTEST MY POLITICAL ABUSE AND RELIGIOUS MISTREATMENT. Since he never bothered to respond, I'm not sure he even received it.
It was difficult to deal with Ms. Leech...since she was quite antagonistic, contending that Israel wanted to deport me because "you wanted to blow up the mosque." When I protested that simply was NOT TRUE, she angrily ordered her assistant, "Go see what he's charged with." He came back and said, "Visa violation." So she KNEW the real reason I was in jail was for being a member of the Temple Mount Faithful, but later went along with their LIE about my visa...
Mr. Abington, Jr. falsely accused me of being proud about my imprisonment. I'm not proud of it nor ashamed, but I do believe in making the most out of a bad situation...Why shouldn't I use my horrible experience to underscore and further the JUST CAUSE of the Temple Mount Faithful? How could anyone fail to understand this?...After all, it's the TEMPLE Mount, not the mosque mount!
Is it too much for an INNOCENT AMERICAN to expect his government to stand up for him? All I've requested from the beginning is for the Consul General to STRONGLY PROTEST my unjust imprisonment and deportation. They know what I say is the truth, but because of their hostile views, they're playing deaf, dumb and blind to the fact that I was a POLITICO-RELIGIOUS PRISONER.- "Why Edward Abington, Jr. Must Be Investigated!"
Israelites have zip in common with Indo-Europeans, they are Semites.
Shem is the father of the Caucasoids-the fair-skinned blonds, red-heads and brunets who are often called the "white" peoples. So the Anglo-Saxon-Celts must have descended from Shem. This makes absolutely perfect sense when you realize that the very name of the Caucasian race is derived from the CAUCASUS MOUNTAINS - British-Israelism Utterly Refuted....REFUTED!Go educate yourself about the mass Israelite immigrations north and west from the Promised Land of Israel and Assyria, as prophesied.
They journeyed from Greater Scythia by way of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Pillars of Hercules, and dwelt for a long course of time in Spain among the most savage tribes, but nowhere could they be subdued by any race, however barbarous. Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea, to their home in the west where they still live today.History records the revealing travels of the apostles to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel: Where did the twelve apostles go?
Is there not anything you enjoy? Do you live under the LAW with everything?
... instead of developing our relationship with God and staying sober and celibate, we’ve whored around and given birth to pagans (Hos. 5:7). That’s why God can’t accept us as His National Priest since our lifestyle choice misrepresents Him! God doesn’t want any part in our perversion. Since we’ve denied His natural order of things, He won’t recognize our illegitimate children! He hasn’t fathered them (Hos. 4:6).
God says we haven’t been humble and obedient like Abraham—the Father of the faithful—but are “…a rebellious people, lying children, children who will not hear the law of the LORD…” and don’t want anything to do with the truth. We don’t want to be shown where we’re wrong, and we don’t want to hear about it (Isa. 30:9-11). “So you shall say to them, ‘This is a nation that does not obey the voice of the LORD their God nor receive correction” (Jer. 7:28). We’ve orphaned ourselves and act like bastards!
- A Nation of Drunks and Whores
Joseph and Judah are the top two leaders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. It was around the ordained time that God began to bestow Joseph's Birthright that He began to restore Israel's identity among both the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples and Jews (1 Chron. 5:2).
Some have embraced this wonderful truth and consequently have drawn closer to each other as brethren, but others have foolishly allowed Satan to create enmity and alienate us. Soon such "sibling rivalry" will be a thing of the past (Isa. 11:13).
Herbert Armstrong was most instrumental in getting out the Word about British-Israel.
Some rabbis/ministers have stubbornly refused to search for the "Lost Ten Tribes" and have left them to wander in their pagan Gentile ways and days! GOD HOLDS MINISTERS RESPONSIBLE FOR NOT HELPING TO RESTORE ISRAEL'S ROOTS AND RESPONSIBILITY! (Ezek. 34:4).
He'll personally cut them off from the pulpit and strip them of their duties! They've proven themselves unworthy of shepherding God's people Israel and have forfeited their future as leaders (Ezek. 34:10; Matt. 12:30).
Nevertheless, God has raised up others to accomplish this urgent "search and rescue" mission (Jeremiah 16:16; Ezek. 34:16).
Surely God wouldn't leave His Church in the dark about Israel's identity, especially since the Gospel should go first to Israelites and then to Gentiles. And the Gospel is ONE BIG PROPHECY!
Thankfully, there are a growing number of groups and organizations, books and articles, both Christian and Jewish, that are assisting this GREAT WORK OF ISRAELITE IDENTIFICATION. They are helping to proclaim: "I am Joseph your brother" (Gen. 45:4).
- The Plain Truth about the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Malachi 4:5-6 further reveals that they [the Two Witnesses] are to PREPARE THE NATION of Israel for the Coming of our King, by a baptism of repentance that will prepare them to receive the Holy Spirit (which is to be poured out at Christ's return). That national preparation is only possible if Israel's heart is turned back to the heart of our fathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), and then, in turn, our hearts must be turned back to the GOD of our fathers and His TRUE religion.
Presently there's a "generation gap" between the fathers and us because the true religion demands obedience to the Law of God. Abraham recognizes only the obedient as his legal heirs (Genesis 18:19; John 8:39; Galatians 3:29). And since we're a rebellious nation and people (Isaiah 30:9), Abraham refuses to acknowledge us (Isaiah 63:16; Hosea 5:7; 6:7).
If Israel dares to reject this necessary "family reunion" that would direct us to our Heavenly Father, God will be forced to destroy all rebellious life from off the face of the earth. Why? Because Israel is God's national firstborn and the law demands death to stubborn sons (Deuteronomy 21:18-21; Malachi 4:6)!
God realizes that if Israel can't be saved, then no nation can. The continued existence of Israel is vital to the survival of ALL nations, because Israel is the national salt as the Church of God is the spiritual salt!
Because of the COVENANT that God entered into with Abraham, Israel is the racial elect, and for our fathers' sakes God has always left us a REMNANT, ordained some survivors, to keep His Promise alive (Matthew 24:22; Isaiah 1:9). We are to return to our fathers and their true religion and remember the Covenant (2 Chronicles 30:6; I Kings 18:36-37; Isaiah 51:1-3). This is the commission of the two witnesses. That Covenant reveals Christ as Lord and Savior, Priest and King - not just one or the other. He is to save us from men and deliver us from sin (Luke 2:68-69)!
- The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11
Originally Posted by Pastor Visser (05-02-2009) Hey David, You seem to be a Jew teaching British Israel doctrine. Very interesting. What are your thoughts on the following quotes? "Edom is modern Jewry. Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited" (1905 Jewish Encyclopedia). “The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees” (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia). “Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes of name, inevitable adaptation of custom, and adjustment of Law, the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered” (Rabbi Dr. Louis Finkelstein, Instructor of Talmud, and later president of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America). “The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart's blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs or ceremonies we observe — whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or merely spasmodic sentimentalists — we follow the Talmud. It is our common law” (Herman Wouk, This is My God; the Jewish Way of Life). “The Talmud is, then, the written form of that which in the time of Jesus, was called the Traditions of the Elders” (Rabbi Michael L. Rodkinson). The 1980 edition of the Jewish Almanac blatantly states; "Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a "Jew" or to call a contemporary Jew an "Israelite" or a "Hebrew" (Bantam Books, 1980). Also, what are your personal thoughts on the Jewish Talmud? __________________ Pastor Visser @ Covenant People's Ministry & Forums Box 256, Brooks, GA 30205 |