Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Drunk Anglican

Anglican leader soft on Islam, hard on US

The drunk Anglican should be ashamed of his slobberings against Christian Zionism and the United States.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Has Rowan Williams lost his head?

Has Rowan Williams lost his head?
What a shame that Rowan Williams doesn't base his beliefs upon the Bible, which explains why he finds Christian Zionist views as "very strange, and not at all easy to accept."
Top Anglican Derides 'Myth' That America Is A 'Chosen Nation'
( – In an interview with a British Muslim publication, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, a longstanding opponent of the Iraq war, has taken his criticism of U.S. foreign policy to a new level, saying the U.S. has lost the moral high ground since 9/11...

Anglican scam artist Rowan Williams continues to deceive and mislead the masses, pretending to be Christian while preaching his self-righteous and idolatrous ideas. What a shame that Rowan Williams doesn't base his beliefs upon the Bible, which explains why he finds Christian Zionist views as "very strange, and not at all easy to accept."
Those who humbly submit to the Word of God, rather than insist on their own ways (proud and stubborn), who acknowledge Father knows best, learn to adjust their attitudes, actions and beliefs to get in sync with the Scriptures. It's called conversion and it's a life-long process:

Isaiah 55

7 Let the wicked forsake his way,
And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
Let him return to the LORD,
And He will have mercy on him;
And to our God,
For He will abundantly pardon.
8 “ For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
9 “ For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
Rowan's rants against Christian Zionism included an attack on the special relationship between the United States and Israel, deriding "the chosen-nation myth of America, meaning that what happens in America is very much at the heart of God's purpose for humanity."
If Williams read and believed the Bible, without traditional blinders, he would see that the nation and People of Israel (all Twelve Tribes of Israel) are instrumental in God's plan of salvation for all mankind. The Bible is an ethnocentric book, with a focus on the family of Jacob-Israel, however politically-incorrect.
Rowan's sloppy swill should give further reason for folks still steeped in Anglicanism, still wallowing in the mire of traditional Roman error, to distance themselves from such Babylon and return to the Faith once delivered to Jerusalem.
It appears Williams has lost his head attempting to appease his Muslim audience. Perhaps that explains why he didn't decry the deplorable situation upon Jerusalem's Temple Mount that suffers under Nazi-Muslim occupation, daily discriminating against Christians and Jews, illegally forbidding them to pray or read the Bible where Jesus prayed and taught.
May Rowan Williams wholeheartedly repent and seek forgiveness from both God and his fellow British-Israelites and Jews.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Jerusalem's on the chopping block

Paint Israel black: Jews to lose Jerusalem!
Israel's rejection of their 1967 miracle will result in their loss of Jerusalem. Let Israel lower its flag and mourn and paint the country BLACK since Orange was crushed under "just following orders" soldiers doing their sworn enemies' dirty work....

Woe to Ariel! (Jerusalem to suffer EU occupation)
Isaiah 29:1
Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt!

Carl Sandburg, an American writer warned: "If America forgets where she came from...if she listens to the deniers and mockers, then will begin the rot and dissolution." The same principle applies to our Jewish brethren in Israel.

Mount Zion under siege: Who will be king of the mountain?
The Vatican has its evil eye on Jerusalem! What better place to start their siege against the Holy City than Mt. Zion? Watch for them to fortify their position and launch an all-out attack to undermine Israeli sovereignty, enlisting Jewish traitors and the international community.

Grand Master turns up the heat on Jerusalem
The cauldron that is Jerusalem is having the heat turned up by a series of planned events, the concerted efforts of Roman wolves in sheep's clothing, orchestrated by the Vatican. The Roman Catholic Cult, the Babylonian Mystery religion, covets the Holy City and aims on wresting control of Ariel (Jerusalem's nickname) from Israeli sovereignty by any means necessary.

UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?
As Hitler clearly outlined his plans in Mein Kampf (and furiously put them into practice his first opportunity), so the United Nations passed an ominous resolution in 1947 concerning the fate of Jerusalem: UN Resolution 181 demands the Holy City submit to the status of an "international city." That's a glorified term for ENEMY OCCUPATION!

From Toledo to Jerusalem
Why would a blond, "non-Jewish" American want to emmigrate to Israel? What's the connection? Especially when so few Jews in the United States are willing to make the move. What force would drive someone to travel to Israel 11 times, serve in 8 kibbutzim and even stay there during the Persian Gulf War, complete with gas mask, with his room designated as cheder atoom - "sealed room" - that other volunteers had to run to whenever the eerie sirens sounded that another Scud Missile was headed for the Promised Land?

International opposition to Jerusalem's liberation
The world will oppose the Return of the King of the Jews, Israel's King, but the Prophets foretell such vain opposition will literally melt away. Both the Bible and the "New Testament" reveal demonic international opposition will be raised against King Messiah to foolishly fight against His return to Jerusalem, liberating it from Gentile EU occupation. They will be history - in a flash!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Work in progress

Friday, November 23, 2007

New migrant jobs madness

Daily Express

New migrant jobs madness

Full Story Here

Employers will break race relations laws if they refuse to consider foreigners for jobs, even if the candidates do not speak English, the Home Office warned yesterday.


British-Israelite nations are nuts
Only in the White Israelite nations do we witness such suicidal madness. God help us to remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and have sanity restored!


The English-speaking nations of White Israelites
Church of God literature often speaks of the English-speaking nations in prophecy. Does that mean every English speaker in those countries is a literal descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel?)....

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

To be a Jew...

To be a Jew can mean to be an ethnic descendant of the Tribe of Judah or of the Kingdom of Judah (which comprised portions of Benjamin, Levi and Judah - even some Simeon),
To be a member of the religion of Judaism.

When I speak of Jews, I'm referring to the first definition - not strictly members of the religion of Judaism that has every race in its ranks. I've spoken out against those "Jews" pretending to be ethnic Joes, etc.

Michael's Freund's fraud: Indian converts pretending to be Joes!

Paul was a Jew by his association with those of the former Kingdom of Judah, and by their religion. He still claimed to be, present tense, a Pharisee - but with a new and improved understanding. Yeshua and the early Church of God, those ethnic Jews and Israelites in it, were also Pharisees.

The Pharisees

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Prince Charles & King David

Would to the God of Jacob-Israel, that Prince Charles would remember his Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and act accordingly as a scion of King David.

May Prince Charles support the efforts of those who are destined to build the House of Prayer for All Peoples in Jerusalem.

Israel in the Isles

We are Israel!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Ariel Sharon and The Atlantic Times

Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor

The Atlantic Times now contributes to the myth of the man, Ariel Sharon, and perpetuates the big lie of the "peace process." ...

The Queen's Royal Descent from King David

Muslim terrorist wins Kosovo elections

The German-Jesuit EU offensive against the Serbs continues and won't rest until Germany's Fourth Reich is firmly installed upon the continent.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The English-speaking nations of White Israelites

Is God a racist? Does He discriminate? Did Jesus hate Gentiles? Was Paul prejudiced? Are Israelites and Jews superior to other peoples? Is God's favorite color white?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Worldwide Church of God

Here are some articles for those interested in the plain truth about Herbert W. Armstrong and the former Worldwide Church of God, as well as my experiences with a few of the branches of the Sabbath-keeping Church of God:

Response by Stephen Flurry to Judean Voice ad

A Jewish Homeland

Jerusalem's Fall, Division and Liberation

Born Again: The Kingdom of God!

From Toledo To Jerusalem

Princess Diana, a Dream, and King David's Dynasty

Miriam Weiss: Holocaust Survivor and Kibbutz Mother

The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace


Are you guilty of spiritual adultery?

Some professing Christians need to stop trying to be more righteous than God and the early Church of God (1 John 2:4; Titus 1:16). No matter what excuse they throw up for the PAGAN festival of Saturnalia/"mass of Christ", it remains a PAGAN festival in God's sight (and in the eyes of those who love God's Word more than idolatrous ideas and tinsel traditions).

God hates it when folks mix some biblical truth with pagan error. It's SPIRITUAL ADULTERY. They adulterate, they pollute, the truth by mixing it with condemned paganism. Spiritually, they're whoring around with false gods and flirting with foreign religions.

Why not keep it simple and love and obey God and do as He says, rather than pagan Rome's thing? Forsake Babylon or suffer the consequences.

Deuteronomy 12

30 take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you [for their wrong religious practices and behavior], and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, 'How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.' 31 You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way; for every abomination to the LORD which He hates they have done to their gods...
32 Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.

Jeremiah 10
2 Thus says the LORD: Do not learn the way of the Gentiles...

Jude 1:3
I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints [in Jerusalem, not Rome].

Jeremiah 6:16
"Thus saith Yahweh, stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk there in, and ye shall find rest to your souls. But they said, we will not walk therein."

1 Corinthians 10:19-21
19 What am I saying then? That an idol is anything, or what is offered to idols is anything? 20 Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons. 21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18
14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:

“ I will dwell in them
And walk among them.
I will be their God,
And they shall be My people.”

17 Therefore
"Come out from among them
And be separate, say the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
And I will receive you."
18 "I will be a Father to you,
And you shall be My sons and daughters,
Says the LORD Almighty."

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy

The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy

The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11

The chief spokesman between the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 is in the same spirit, mindset, holy mission from God as Elijah the prophet was (who is dead and buried and awaits the First Resurrection that will occur at the Return of the King Yeshua).

The Two Witnesses will offer hope and comfort to our captive audience, the Jewish and Israelite peoples under the German-Jesuit jackboot. The Two Witnesses will help prepare Judah for the prophesied repentance that will welcome Yeshua to return and liberate Jerusalem from the European Beast and European False Prophet who will pollute the holy Temple of God upon the Temple Mount.

Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives

The Great Mideast Commission: Reaching the Cities of Judah

Where are Enoch and Elijah? by Herbert W. Armstrong

Monday, November 12, 2007

400 Years After Jamestown: Where Did the Bible Go?

In recent decades the British and American peoples have increasingly turned away from the Bible. Few can even remember when the Word of God was revered in our nations, but only a century ago it was considered the source of the “ennobling ideals” that united both nations.

Machir and America

Adapted from "The Tribes" by Yair Davidiy

An interesting fact is that:

Machir was the first-born son of Manasseh son of Joseph (Genesis 50:23).
Machir was the forefather of the Gileadites (1-Chronicles 2:21).
The Phoenicians are believed to have visited AMERICA. According to Barry Fell the Phoenicians named it - "The Great North Country". The Hebrew Prophets predicted that in the end time the Lost Ten Tribes would return from the "North Country" (Jeremiah 31:8). The Prophets certainly were well acquainted with the Phoenicians some of whom were in effect Israelite Tribes. The Vikings later attempted to settle in North America and named it "MARKLAND" which is believed to mean "Land of Darkness"(1). Even so, Maruk (a permutation of Machir) and Mark (in "Markland") are not dissimilar. After the Vikings, the existence of America was realised by people in Britain including fishermen from the port of Bristol. Richard Ameryk, a Bristol merchant 1470's is now claimed to perhaps have given America its name. Ameryk was of Welsh ancestry and his family name originally was "Ap-Meryk", possibly denoting "Son of Machir".
The more commonly accepted explanation is that the name "America" comes from that of the Explorer, Amerigo Vespucci (1451-1512) also called "America" and (after 1507) "America" is said to have been named in his honor. At all events, the name Amerigo or "America" is similar to Medieval appellations ("Aimerico"(2), etc.) for a Jewish Prince of southern France whose proper Hebrew name (from which the Latinised appellations were derived) was "MACHIR". The name in Hebrew was also given as "HaMachiri".
In Biblical Hebrew "HaMachiri" literally denotes "The Sons of Machir" (Numbers 26:29) but it could also connote "That which Comes of Machir" and in this case it was applied as a nickname to Machir himself and then Latinised to sound something like "America"!
The Hebrew version is difficult for untrained westerners to pronounce (or even remember) and so was rendered in Early Medieval Latin as "Americo" or "Amerigo" and this name was later given to Amerigo Vespucci who gave his name to the land of America. It follows that the name AMERICA may well be understood to mean "Land of Machir" (or "Land of the Sons of Machir"), son of Menasseh.
The very name "Menasseh" in Hebrew (according to the Commentary of Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch) can mean delegated responsible representation and this is a fundamental aspect of the North American character. The USA was created when its early settlers declared "no taxation without representation" and fought against Britain for their Independence.
America was named after Machir.
Brit-Am supporter Benyamin Turkia (of Finland, now living in Jerusalem) pointed out that "Machir" in Hebrew can mean "Selling" or even simply the Principle of Capitalism.
The principles of Capitalism and Free Enterprise have also become part of the American character.
Note: It should be noted that in Rabbinical commentaries on the Bible and in Jewish tradition the meaning and origin of names is very important and this principle is supported by the Bible itself. Great emphasis is given to the meaning of names, e.g. the names of Abraham, Sarah, and Israel.

1. Whatmore, Arthur William. "Insulae Brittanica", Great Britain, 1913.
2. ZUCKERMAN, Arthur J. "A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France, 768-900", New York, 1972. p.375
Zuckerman notes that Machir (Ha-Machiri) was referred to as Al Makhiri, "AYMERI", "Maghario" (p.180) or "Magharius", as "Aymeri", p.121 n.16., and as "Aimerico", and "Aimericus". Zuckerman p.131 n.38
Zuckerman describes how Machir ("Aimericus") became a legend whose name was celebrated in the ballads of Southern France and neighboring regions.

See also on this subject:
"Names Linked with Joseph": Manasseh as America

Related Articles:
"Biblical Place-Names in America
"Manasseh in Rabbinical Sources"
"Is the USA Ephraim or Manasseh?"
"Great Britain as Ephraim"
"The USA: Questions and Answers
"The USA in Biblical Codes

Thursday, November 08, 2007

The real reason Rhodesia is in ruins

The real reason Rhodesia is in ruins

I was forwarded the following excellent letter that was sent to The Real Truth magazine in response to their article about Zimbabwe I blasted in "The Real Truth" can't handle the plain truth --

I read with great interest your article on RHODESIA (I refuse to call it by its new GENTILE/AFRICAN name). The facts presented about the fall of Rhodesia are startling, and need to reach a wider audience. The REASON Rhodesia died also needs to be TRUMPETED to the world--especially the Israelite FAMILY of nations. I believe you missed a great opportunity to broadcast the "real truth" about Rhodesia, and THAT makes me sad.

So what was missed? As an organization that considers itself a legitimate heir to the Church of God under HWA, I KNOW you teach the all important TRUTH of our national identity.

So WHY did you not explain to your audience the "real truth" that Rhodesia DIED the day is succumbed to pressure from the world and gave up its ISRAELITE government to primitive African mob rule?

The problems with Rhodesia today were caused because it is no longer an ISRAELITISH Nation. The people of Rhodesia SINNED against God in turning their land over to GENTILES (under pressure from the nations of the world--including the USA) and therefore can no longer be the recipients of the BLESSINGS of the FAMILY of ISRAEL after 2520 years in the wilderness. You SHOULD be preaching this as a WARNING to the BRITISH, AMERICAN, and JEWISH nations of Israel.
AMERICA will go through the same PUNISHMENT if we turn over our nation to the COLONIZING HORDES from the south. It is the DUTY of the Church of God (and its end-time prophets) to preach this Message of Warning & Hope BEFORE our nations fall in the same way our brothers in Rhodesia fell.

If you, as a church, REFUSE to preach God's WARNING because you value political correctness MORE than the Word of God, He will raise up prophets to do the work you refuse to do.

Carl Brown,
Michigan, USA


Monday, November 05, 2007

Never on a Sunday!

1 John 2:4-6

4 He who says, "I know Him," and does not keep His commandments [rather than traditional error], is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5 But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. 6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.

The Sabbath

Beware the Big Lie of Sunday!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Why do Blacks hate the truth that could set them free?

Beyond Babylon ^ | 11-03-07 | David Ben-Ariel

"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." -- Thomas Paine

Friday, November 02, 2007

What Joel Osteen fails to tell you...



Beyond Babylon

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Our personal and national sins are the CAUSE for the EFFECT we are beginning to experience:

Daniel 9:11

11 Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, and has departed so as not to obey Your voice; therefore the curse and the oath written in the Law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out on us, because we have sinned against Him.

REPENT and avert national destruction, defeat and deportation:

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

British-Israelites and Jews in Grave Danger

Death to the American, British & Jewish Peoples?

Joseph Isn't Jewish!

Herbert W. Armstrong Was Ahead of His Time!

Will the Atlantic Times Address the German Threat?

Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?

EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews

Is The Plain Truth Too Strong?

Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?

The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace

The Plain Truth About The "Lost Ten Tribes" And Why You Need To Know

The Church of God Must Warn the World!

Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives

Why Israel Will Survive a Nuclear Holocaust

What Joel Osteen fails to tell you...

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall is destined to become a national debate and an international controversy because it dares to speak the plain truth in a world of lies!

Beyond Babylon

Beyond Babylon
Chapter 1
Survival Guaranteed!

The DEVASTATION unleashed against America and her British allies was without precedent. Destruction was everywhere and a body count impossible. The catastrophe was beyond calculation.

Europe - gripped with a messianic furor - justified this mass destruction of the body to "save the soul." Besides, they have the blessing of the pope. His white robes are stained with the blood of many martyrs.

Beyond Babylon
Chapter 2
Why National Defeat?

Why are we in mortal danger? Why will the American, British and Jewish people SUFFER national defeat? How could Europe ever turn against us?

Beyond Babylon
Chapter 3
Truth or Consequences

As global tensions increase, and threats of confrontation escalate, we might very well wonder whether humanity will survive. Unless there’s a GOD to intervene, we have a bleak future indeed: a DEAD PLANET! Will earth become a nuclear fireball? Will charred bones - aftermath of unleashed atomic fires - and the smoldering ruins of a suicidal civilization be all that’s left?

Beyond Babylon
Chapter 4
Victims of Tradition

Whenever our behavior gets out of control, God lets us loose control! When we’re held hostage to bad habits, and refuse to let them go, we go into captivity! A national lack of discipline results in God sending corrective punishment! Then we wake up and get with it, and beg God to save us. The whole purpose is to bring us to our knees and senses.

Beyond Babylon
Chapter 5
Europe's Fate

What’s going to happen to Europe? We know what’s going to happen to the American and British peoples, as well as to our Jewish brethren. The coming WORLD CRISIS is prophesied to fall especially hard on them. Why?

Beyond Babylon
Chapter 6
Jesus and the Jews

Why don't the Jews accept Jesus?" I've been asked that so many times. My usual reply? "Why haven't the Christians?" At least the Jews are waiting for the proper imperial restoration. The Messiah's coming to sit on DAVID'S THRONE - not Caesar's or "St. Peter's." The Anointed One's going to rule from JERUSALEM - not Rome!

Beyond Babylon
Chapter 7
Elijah's Key Role

Israel's about to host the greatest showdown on earth! A spiritual conflict of interests will create such a scene in Jerusalem that the whole world will watch! Zion will be an arena of prophets and sorcerers, warriors and kings! The forces of good and evil are set to duel: the sons of light will battle the sons of darkness, and truth will confront error head-on!

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall


Rabbi Meir Kahane Remembered in Jerusalem

( Hundreds of people participated in a memorial ceremony and study day in memory of Rabbi Meir Kahane in Jerusalem Tuesday, marking the 17th anniversary of the fiery rabbi and political leader's death at the hands of an Arab assassin...
"They hate the Sabbath and they hate the laws of Judaism and they hate the yeshivas and they hate the rabbis. And they hate being Jewish and they hate God and they hate Zionism and a Jewish state and the need to be different - and they hate Kahane for representing all this. And they hate the bitter reality of hundreds of thousands supporting and marching for and believing in all the things that they hate, and so they are prepared to use any and all means to destroy the Jews and Jewishness. And the most frightening and dangerous thing is that, in all this ugliness, I have seen and recognized the face of Hatred and Murder Past." - Rabbi Meir Kahane

"Is Israel really a Jewish State? Or a Gentilized state of Jews? There is a difference! Are we left to our own devices, our personal preferences, the "Church or synagogue of your choice" mentality? Or does God have something to say to us also?

Meir Kahane, former Israeli Parliament member, rabbi and author of Uncomfortable Questions for Comfortable Jews, was to the Jewish establishment what Herbert W. Armstrong was to traditional Christianity: an irritating “prophet” who spoke the plain truth!

If Israel had only listened to Meir Kahane they wouldn't be staring death in the face today (Dan. 9:11). I was living at Kibbutz Shoval in Israel’s Negev desert, beautifying the grounds, when I heard that he had been murdered in New York by another Arab terrorist. When his funeral took place in Jerusalem, I was honored to attend with tens of thousands of others to show solidarity with what he boldly taught— and as a blond, stood out in the Black Sea of Haredim on TV."

--excerpt from Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall - Chapter 3 - TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES

Rabbi Meir Kahane Remembered in Jerusalem